I had the idea to write this around the time
Process Patience was being birthed but for reason it could not come together.
But now it's ready.
First thing
you think when you hear First Lady?
Maybe the FLOTUS, Mrs. Michelle Obama
perhaps. Or the First Lady of your church. Or maybe even your mother,
grandmother, aunts etc.
Every lady mentioned is in fact a First Lady. While writing
Process Patience, I felt a powerful sense of leadership and selflessness. I
began feeling like I had a platform and I had to do something powerful with it.
I knew there was one person I could influence and impact everyday and I sought
the opportunity daily. I started extending my help whether it was to answer my
phone to listen to a friend or go meet with
a friend because they just needed someone there.
It became my obligation to
allow Process Patience to vibrate through my bones and amplify my First Lady.
I've learned and accepted that:
It's ok to be that listening
It's ok to cater to another
instead of napping.
It's ok to push others to
become their best.
It's ok to share your time
with someone who needs company for just a few moments out the day.
It's ok to work through a
headache for the betterment of those around you.
It's ok contribute to the
stability of those surrounding you.
It's ok to take a moment to
reflect on how want to help someone.
It's ok to ask for help.
It's ok to achieve everything
you've ever wanted.
It's ok to say no to anything
that is not pleasing to you.
It's ok to be the First Lady
in your life. Let her blossom. Let her become that crown wearing, beautifully
selfless, 'I cry if I want' motto living, strong, and confident lady that IS.
It's ok be the roots governed
in the strong foundation of love
and forgiveness.