You must see yourself dancing to the beat of your own drum EVERYDAY! It is imperative that you believe in yourself before anyone else can. There will be times that you will feel insecure and unsure but with God ALL things are possible. If you walk to your own beat, you will always have confidence. Do not depend on someone else to "press play." This is your season; your time, to reap what you have sown.
I am pushing myself daily to do what makes ME happy. I can not wait for someone to open a door for me or make a decision. Life is precious and it should be treated as such. I know that I can no longer go another day without "playing my song and doing my dance."
When I am asked what my goals are, I will say model, dance, be my own boss, be a mentor, and whatever else it is that Timberley wants to do!
Just live your life!